BMW Infinity Cars Mumbai & Indore
Savings of upto 100% on Road Tax on i7
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Excellent cars need excellent services. These come courtesy of our specially trained, professional staff and our range of care, maintenance and repairs packages perfectly tailored to all BMW models. When you leave your BMW in the hands of our experts, all you need to do is hand over the key: while you’re driving, the car’s sensors monitor fluid levels and wear-prone parts, and this information is stored on the key. BMW workshops are equipped with a Key Reader, a small electronic device which scans and analyses all the service-relevant data. This enables our Service team to quickly and accurately identify what needs to be done, which ultimately means that there is more time for work and for your advice.

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In the world of BMW, world-class isn’t limited to the vehicles that we engineer. Know More


*Terms and conditions (T&Cs) apply. All offers ore from BMW dealerships. Know More